
Below you can list the events that suit you best by selecting the center you want to visit and the event.
Type of Event
200 Hours: The Chris Chavez Path To Yoga (2024– 2025) CY Caddebostan + Live Stream
Sep 13, 2024 - May 27, 2025
İstanbul, CY Caddebostan + Live Stream
Chris Chavez
The Chris Chavez Path to Yoga (2024-2025) Studio
TRY 99,500
The Chris Chavez Path to Yoga (2024-2025) Live Stream
TRY 90,000
Fundamentals of Cihangir Yoga 200 Hours – Caddebostan Studio + live Stream
Oct 19, 2024 - May 18, 2025
İstanbul, CY Caddebostan + Live Stream
Naz Şarman, Bade Gül Kılınç, Onur Aksoy
CY Temeller Stüdyo
TRY 75,000
CY Temeller Canlı Yayın
TRY 66,000