For me, yoga is a holistic jouney of exploration that will last a lifetime, encompassing the body, mind and heart.
It is a long journey towards myself, everything that I feel on and off the mat, brings me closer to myself.
She feels lucky. Her first chance was to meet yoga for the first time in 2001. Her second chance was to meet Cihangir Yoga in 2006. Alev, who has been a student of Cihangir Yoga since 2006, left her corporate life and took over the management of Cihangir
Yoga is a journey towards true physical and spiritual self for me.
Yoga is a discipline that aligns my life.
Yoga is to bond, to realize, to be open for me.
Yoga is a journey to my own integrity and reality.
In the light of my life purpose, I am walking on this path, to help people reveal their SELF-HEALING powers within themselves and to transform mental, emotional and physical concepts and emotional and thought patterns that block their flow of life.
Developing the body and being able to stay in the moment throughout the practice. Spiritual journey. Returning to my true self and finding myself. Then radiating this energy in a simple and elegant way.
Yoga for me is to find the balance between all the opposites in life and to feel the peace in that balance.
Enjoys engineering and teaching innovative and integrative approaches at NeuroSystemics!
As a teacher, Carlos is renowned for the breadth of his knowledge and the clarity with which he conveys it.
Yoga is the path I have taken to get to know my inner self better and strengthen my identity. Advancing on this path, my main goal is to keep my body strong and healthy and my thoughts clear and pure. Yoga also helps me feel in peace and creates a positiv
Yoga is the art and practice of connecting with my truth.
Yoga is an inner work, a tool that allows me to connect with myself and touch life, and a magical space where I feel one and whole again with the web of life.
Yoga is the connection between individual consciousness and universal consciousness, where this deeply personal experience flows during our individual exploration of universal questions.
Yoga represents the path to the essence for me. It starts with the body, strengthens with the breath, and continues with the mind. It is a state of reaching the pure on a journey of turning inward, purifying from external factors.
Yoga is a goalless path for me that allows us to discover our right to be imperfect with an open heart, and to connect more closely with our being and body.
Yoga is for me a search for truth, deepening awareness, increasing intuitive abilities, and a sense of wholeness. Yoga is a path that is slowly walked, dedicated to observing oneself, sincerely realizing oneself, and meeting one's true identity.
Yoga is making deeper connection with yourself and your environment, exploring your potential and being able to live and communicate your truth, and of course inner peace for me.
Yoga is my space of discovery, a holistic practice that supports me on my way to be myself.
Yoga is an endless process of exploration to me, a fascinating body-mind-spirit-breath harmony.
Heath weaves his expertise as a psychologist, trauma healer, rolf practitioner, craniosacral therapist, enneagram consultant, dating/relationship coach, and has also been trained in Somatic Experiencing.
Yoga is becoming free within the unity for me.
Yoga is an amazing path towards my true self.
Yoga for me is to free yourself from the layers one identifies itself with to reach the pure essence. Each time, one meets with a new part of its ‘self’, a never ending journey.
For me, yoga is the art of knowing yourself and life.
It is an inner practice that improves my outlook on life, my way of living, understands myself and my environment, and supports me in adapting.
Yoga benim için nefeslerle bedenini canlandırıp, hareketlerle özgürleştiririp, zihni sadeleştirip , dinginleştirerek tam ve bütün olmak.
Yoga is a journey that allows me to connect with myself and the universe.
Yoga is the art of communicating with myself.
Yoga is the art of of managing life.
Approaching perfect balance
With yoga you begin a loving relationship with yourself to fully participate in the magic adventure of life.
Yoga means overcoming the difficulties on my way to reaching my potential. Beyond the difficulties lies freedom.
Yoga is a journey for me to discover my spiritual self and expand the areas of my freedom by working with my physical body.
Yoga is for me to revive Love and Compassion within ourselves.
The art of finding freedom within the limits of the body.
Yoga is a playfield that I discover and connect with myself.
Yoga is a gateway to liberation for me.
Yoga represents a means and a goal that ignites my search for the Self and leads me to a wonderland full of miracles, a fulfilling life based on values; it is a means to progress on the path, and the goal when I use it in the sense of ‘unity’ (yuj).
Yoga is an amazing journey of discovery that I will continue to work on in my life, to see myself, understand myself, and increase and share the love within me
Yoga is the path of discovery, the space of exploration to reconnect to my true self and life. İt’s a practice of awareness to remind that all is one.
Being on the path and remembering this… Being open to what is, the connection I establish with myself and my surroundings.
Yoga is to think less and to feel more.
Yoga benim için bir yaşam biçimi, sadece matta değil günlük hayatta da bir farkındalık hali.
For me, yoga is the art of living myself.