What does yoga mean to me? Yoga is for me to revive Love and Compassion within ourselves. My journey began with “My heart has opened”. My compassionate voice was whispering into my ear; “You are Love”. As that voice whispered, tears flowed from my eyes, my eyes saw differently, my nose smelled differently, and I tasted flavors I had never tasted before. I was revived. These three words best describe my yoga session: Love - compassion - revival Why do I love doing yoga? It is good for me. It invites me to Live in the Heart. It calls me to stay in the heart, stay in the flow. At the end of every yoga practice, I am filled with gratitude. I say, I am so glad that yoga is in my life. It is a wonderful tool that helps me connect with my body, mind, soul, and heart and remember the whole. Why do I love giving yoga sessions so much? A person has the potential to create themselves. You can recreate yourself many times. As long as you intend to do so. Witnessing people’s journeys makes me happy. I remember that we are together as we walk our human journey. We are nourished together by the source of Infinite Love. Languages: Turkish, English, German
These three words best describe my yoga session:
Why do I love doing yoga?
Why do I love giving yoga sessions so much?